Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sole with Cilantro Lime Quinoa and Avocado

Ingredients (per person):
-1 Sole filet
-1/4 C quinoa
-1 avocado
-Zest of 1/3 of a lime
-1 to 2 tsp taco seasoning
-1 TB butter
-about 5 cilantro leaves (or a little dried cilantro, sprinkle)

I love sole! It is really quick to thaw and it is just a really tasty fish.  I get mine from Trader Joe's.

To start, cook the quinoa according to package directions, adding a little salt, cilantro, and butter to the water. Cook about 15 to 20 minutes as directed.

When it has about 5 minutes remaining, heat a skillet to medium or just a little over and grease with butter.  Add the fish, pepper it (salt too if you make your own taco seasoning without salt) and taco seasoning.  You may add more or less depending on the spiciness or strength of your particular favorite brand. 

Cook 3-4 minutes and flip, and cook another couple of minutes until the fish is completely done, adjusting as needed to your filet thickness.  

Add the lime zest to the cooked quinoa and fluff.  Taste and salt if needed.

Cut up an avocado and enjoy!  I ate pieces of avocado with every single bite and it was fantastic. There were a lot of flavors going on in the dish, and the texture of the quinoa held up really well and was a nice contrast between the other ingredients.  I can honestly say that I liked it better in this case than rice.

This was a protein packed, light and fit meal that I could eat every week and not complain.  It was really fresh and a perfect way to end a terribly hectic day that involved me losing my wallet and keys, being stranded and locked out of my apartment, and having to call a friend to take me to get my wallet when it was found. 

But everything worked out, and that is what matters!

Happy crafting! Pin It Now!

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