Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 14: Peace Fork

So I like to make things now out of silverware.  My great grandmother's silverware...luckily I think she would have enjoyed silverware necklaces.  And she did not buy things that match so it's alright.

You will need:
-A hacksaw, mine is a mini
-Silverware, look for real silver although it possible to bend the stainless, and I am betting that with extensive work it can be cut as well.
-Sand paper or a metal file

I cut the fork off as shown and bent two tines down.  I tried to make sure they touched the fork so that I could put it on a necklace later.

I also had to bend the other two tines slightly out so that they looked more peace-y.

You will want to run the base where you cut over a file or sand it down, it is a little rough afterward.

That is pretty much all there is to this part.

I threw it on this necklace because it was really the only thing I had not taken apart for the beads yet, and to show you a point. 

You will want to put this on a necklae and you will likely have to back the bent tines up a little so that it hangs better.  You will then have to squeeze them again so that they touch the base again.

You can also bend the tines forward a bit so that they hang in front of the necklace.

Or you can attach a jump ring to the "pinky", if you will, or maybe a few jumps, and put it on a necklace that way so it hangs at an angle.  I would then add a peace bottle cap or something that has the word or sign on it to make it like a charm necklace.

 AS you can see, it works out a lot better after some tweaking.

I really think that I would prefer the jump ring idea though.  It might look cute at a jaunty angle.

Hopefully my tomorrow craft will be more interesting, it was a highly stressful day.  I got up to my apartment, had a mini meltdown, and so on.

But I read a thing on pinterest recently that said something to the effect of big life changes are scary, but regret is more scary.

And then Phillip Phillips song "Home" says "Don't pay no mind to the demons they fill you with fear".

So I am thinking about those at the minute, because if there is one thing I do well, it's college.  And I need to remember that.

It's kind of fitting for this to be the blog for today, because I do need peace. 

I need to be more Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.  Eight Days a Week.  Although, it would be nice to have a little help from my friends.

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