Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 15: Dyed Pistachios

Ok I said I'd do something cool...I was wrong. My day got crazy and I have been wanting to see how I could color pistachios for jewelry. Sadly, I can't upload pictures straight from my phone, so I will have to save the shots for another time.

If you google image pistachio jewelry there are a lot of different types. You can also turn pistachios into cute decorated tea light candle holders, or flower looking objects, and similar.

So maybe before you do this you are like me and you want to dye them. Of course the first option is spray paint. That's a given. But I have a few other things you might consider:

Sharpies, first of all, make it to where you have more control over what color goes where. It also gives you the option of potentially adding designs, although I did not attempt this.

By far the easiest way besides spray using something you might already have is ink. I used Tim Holtz ink and just dropped it on to the shells. It spread out and coated them, some I used multiple colors and others I did not. Again, I will have to upload pictures another time. I then sprayed some Tattered Angels spray over it to add a little sheen, and really I could have done without this.

The pistachios will dry pretty quickly, and you can cost them in resin or spray poly for longer durability and to prevent fading.

I did a lot of thinking today. And this is completely random, but economists really bother me. I think half of the issue with our economy is everyone being so doom and gloom. If you hear everyone saying that the economy is going to crash around you it makes you not want to spend at all. Which makes things even worse.

Just like gas, someone says we will have issues or shortages or war and suddenly prices skyrocket even if those don't happen. If people would stop all of this fearmongering, I really think the economy would bounce back much more quickly.

The Bible says don't worry about tomorrow because today has enough issues of its own. If you are constantly prepping for doom how will you ever enjoy the happiness around you now?

An how will you ever be excited enough to save and dye pistachios??

PS, they are hard to put a hole in if you use hammer and nail like I do. I used a small finishing nail and you have to hammer really gently. You probably wouldn't of you coated them in resin first, but I literally just thought of that. So I will need to try that next time I have resin mixed.

Talk about upcycling! Save those nuts :)!

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