Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 13: Cap Flag

I don't count it as the next day until I go to sleep.  SO this is definitely still day 13's craft :).

-At least 50 bottle caps of varying kinds
-Wildfire Cord
-E6000 (optional)

I like to use needlenose pliers, for the record.  I like to put the cap like this and put pressure on it until it bends, but not so much that it bends and touches itself just yet.

Sometimes this results in the cap flying across the room.  Ye be warned.

So you want to put the preliminary bend on all of your caps.

After you do this, measure out your cord so that it is the length you want your necklace to be, plus a little extra for tying it to the closures.

I doubled my cord over, doubled it again, and cut where needed to make 4 strings of relatively equal length.

Here is a shot of what I mean by not all the way closed.  You want to be able to put the cord through the cap and then bend it the rest of the way closed.

You can make 4 separate strings, or you can make it start with one- there are a ton of possibilities!

After I get the cord in I bend the cap the rest of the way around the cap and then squeeze the ends of the bent cap.  Think something like dumplings or pot stickers.

The 47 caps I used on the 4 strands with the toggle clasp made a necklace that is probably around a 15inch length or so.  It is not a choker by any means but would hang a little below your collarbones.

As you go you can twist the strands (and they will twist naturally) for a really cool look.
Here is my final product.  I used Bud, Bud Lite, and PBR caps for this nod to the American Flag.  I find it appropriate to do your caps Americana style.

As you can see it twisted itself up in the process and I really liked how it came out.

I have said it before, I don't drink.  But thankfully I do know people who will save me their caps when they do!

There are a lot of great caps out there, and something like this can be a fun and completely free project!

Until next time! (aka later today since this post was so late...)

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