- Paper sacked the floor and applied English Chestnut stain, two coats of high build polyurethane, and one coat of antique walnut Polyshades
- Paper sacked the walls and painted with two coats of Behr Ultra Pure White paint in semi gloss (this is basically my new favorite paint)
- Switched out the icky incandescant bulb for a bright white CFL
- Made a "chandelier" cover for the built in light
- Put down a cute white rug for comfy toes everywhere, and to protect the part of the floor that will see the most wear and tear
Meet my first awesome find. At a Peddler's Mall I ran across a 3 panel mirror set that had metal decorative pieces, as shown here. The ones on the two thinner panels have little candle holder guys in them and I was not too thrilled with that.
Luckily, I am a fiend as far as repurposing and deconstructing goes, and I noticed that the metal things could be taken off with a few quick turns of a screw driver.
Thank God they didn't need a drill, that's all I'm saying.
So for ten dollars, the three mirrors were mine. I brought them home, used E6000 to glue the panes in better and the backs on as well as some of the tabs that held the mirror in were old and breaking off.
I braided 3 22gauge wires together to fashion a picture hanging wire, and managed to get some screws in the wall to hang the little guys. I did forget to wipe off the mirrors, which probably would have been nice to do before hanging. But the optimistic side of me says they will just look like they have been there forever :).
For my next trick, I found this cool looking mesh drawer thing for $9 on a Hobby Lobby clearance rack. It is maybe a foot or so tall, and easily went on the wall with command strips and a couple of finishing nails.
I mounted it on the wall with the paintable wallpaper, and as you can see by this picture bought some small glass things to put on it, some clear some green.
Random sidenote: Command picture hanging strips are completely and utterly fantastic...but will not stick on slick walls. So if I tried to hang it up on the glossy brick it most likely would have fallen.
I understand now why my memo board fell at school on the slick concrete block walls...and my hooks fell...and everything else.
I finally figured this out when I sent a set of mini blinds crashing to the ground...yes yes I know, who in their right mind tries to hang mini blinds with command strips. I would have succeeded too if it hadn't been for that meddling paint.
As you can see in this picture the chandelier cover looks super cute!
However, the yellow twine they had used for string pulls did not exactly go with my style. So I raided Hobby Lobby for some chain...
Well, I tried to. I actually went in to HL and they had NO CHAIN whatsoever. I am not sure if they are reorganizing that particular store or just trying to send me in to convulsions. So I had to leave and go to Michael's.
At Michael's I bought two kinds of chain, over 3 ft of each. I used almost all of the chain I bought, so good thing they came with that much. I got one with circular links about .25 inch in diameter and another with much smaller links.
I threaded the smaller through the larger, attached two large diamond shaped jewels at the bottom to coordinate with the jewels in the chandelier using the same 22 gauge, and securing it with a dab of E6000.
That's right. The power-tool helpless female got herself a towel ring installed. TAKE THAT BOYS! :)
Also, sitting on the weird box that the last people insisted upon building over the pipes that run along the floor (instead of just installing the vanity back there which would have made a lot better room sense) is an old green jug turned vase with some dried ornamental grass from the yard.
The vase looks a lot like something Captain Jack Sparrow would have drank out of.
With the mesh drawers, I mounted the base on there and quickly discovered it was going to be way cooler in this room without the drawers in it. So the drawers will be relocating to my Craft Mecca when revamping begins up there. I put two clear dishes, the green glass thing in the picture with the drawers, and a green glass rock. I put a few little Qtips in the green glass and will be putting face pads and tooth flossers in the other dishes. But just a few so as to not get too cluttery! (words I never thought I would say).
Oh, and I still need to find a mirror for above the vanity. I have no idea what I even want for it. But all in all, I call this room FINISHED!
So the next time you are redo-ing a room, think of budget facelifts and get to cranking!
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