Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fresh Corn Relish

-Corn cut off of 3 cobs
-1/3 Chopped peppers, variety (we used some red, green, and purple)
-1/2+tsp adobo sauce (to your preferred spice level)
-1 tomato, diced
-1/2 TB taco seasoning
-1/3 C water
-1 TB butter

Turn a skillet on medium heat and add the water and the corn (if you need to prep the rest of the veggies).  If you already have everything diced and chopped and ready to go, you can throw all of the veggies in there plus the seasonings and butter and adobo sauce.

I let mine cook about 5-7 minutes without a lid on, mostly because I was chopping peppers and tomato at the time.

Put a lid over the pan and lower the heat (medium for us is about 6 and I turned it down to 3.5).  Cook for about ten minutes, or until the veggies are desired level of doneness.  I like my veggies a little on the soft side, so I tend to let mine steam a good bit.

You could also add in a little cilantro to the relish if you wanted, and onion may also be a good consideration.

I used these in shrimp tacos, the recipe that will be featured tomorrow...well, later today I suppose! :)

Sleep is for when I get back to college, for now there is baking to be done.

I thought this was really tasty, mostly due to some amazing fresh corn that a friend of the family gave us.  You really cannot beat homegrown vegetables.  My goal is to use this in my chipotle chicken salad to make some outstanding wraps for lunch this week.  I also think that in a rice dish, maybe with the adobo increased a bit, this would make a great "Mexican Stir Fry" type idea.

Happy crafting!

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