Sunday, July 21, 2013

Champion Chicken Dip: Healthy, Flavorful, and DELICIOUS

-1 C Chobani 2% Plain Yogurt
-1.5 C Shredded Chicken
-1/2 C Corn relish (find my recipe for it here )
-1 tsp Adobo Sauce from Chipotle Peppers
-2 tsp taco seasoning
-Salt to taste

You will need to mix all the ingredients and add salt as needed to get to your preferences.  If you like a little extra heat, feel free to up the adobo. If you are making this for a party, I suggest making it a 12 hours to a day in advanced so that the flavors have time to really come together.

I used chicken that my mom had made in a crockpot from a whole chicken.  Since it was bone-in it was super flavorful, and I just shredded it with a fork to get it into small pieces AND to make sure that there weren't any bones.

What I like about this dip is that it can (as you see here) be used on a roll as well like a spread. If you needed it to be thicker you could mix some low fat cream cheese in.  This would be the perfect party food to throw in a bread bowl or other bowl and serve with blue corn chips, pita sections, bread, and even veggies!

What I LOVE about this dip is that it does not involve mayo.  Don't get me wrong I adore mayo and I adore chipotle mayo, but it is also one of the first things I like to cut out of a recipe if at all possible.  Chobani has made that more than possible for me on many counts.  If you use Chobani 2% it is richer than using the fat free and it gives you a fantastic base to add to.  You won't even miss the mayo.

This is not a burn your tongue off recipe, but more one where the heat creeps up on you at the end.  It is in no way overpowering, but instead gives you that little kick to excite your taste buds.

I am very anti boring food.  And I am especially anti lunch meat every day! I want my lunches to be exciting, not another monotonous note in a day.  The way I see it, if I can get my taste buds excited AND have a healthy, tasty wrap or similar for lunch, why would I pass that up?

To put these on the rolls, I cut out wedges in pretzel rolls and used a spoon to scrape out some of the insides (like you might on a lobster roll or po boy sandwich).  I used a spoon to smoosh in the dip, making sure that it filled up the inside of the roll.  Pretzel rolls are great for this because they add a little extra salty flavor, and as long as you don't overdue the salt in your dip it is just the ticket.

I buy pretzel rolls at Meijer most often, but have recently discovered that Whole Foods sells them individually in their bakery.  Needless to say, you should be able to find some near you.

Pretzel rolls are on my ever growing list of things I want to try to make.

My goal is to eat healthy without eating boring.  I don't enjoy spending a lot of money on new clothes, so the longer I can stay the same size the better.  And, as always, I am a protein fiend...which is blatantly obvious when you discover my dessert was Chobani Blackberry!

Shameless plug for my favorite brand: Every new CHO I have tried so far is fantastic! My Meijer had the orange vanilla, key lime, and blackberry 4 packs which I see myself investing in a lot from now on, and I have a peachy pistachio on deck in the fridge.

I have been eyeing the coffee and dark chocolate bites...but I don't like coffee or dark chocolate...which could be a problem....

AKA I am going to try them anyway some day when I get spontaneous.

Chobani is actually why I called this a "Champion" chicken dip.  I loved the Chobani Champions yogurts that I tried, and they are what got me trying more flavors.  I consider any yogurt packing as good of stats in as tasty of treats as CHO-gurt does to be a champ. 

And it has the same CH as chicken.  Which makes me happy.

Happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. This Champions Chicken Dip looks mighty tasty and versatile. We are so happy to hear that you're a fan of our Chobani Champions. Enjoy all those new Chobani flavors, friend!
