Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Garlic Cheese Knots: Dough Made with Greek Yogurt!

-3/4 C AP flour
-1 6 oz container Chobani Plain Greek Yogurt
-3/4 tsp baking soda

Mix all of the ingredients together, adding a little water if dry.  Turn out onto a floured surface and knead for about 5 minutes, dusting with extra flour as needed.

You want to get it to a consistency that you can roll out between your hands.  Break off hunks about the size of a ping pong ball, roll, and twist into a knot.  It should make at least 8 knots.

Brush with butter* and sprinkle with garlic cheese topper and fresh grated parmesan cheese.  I would also suggest adding a hint of sea salt, as the dough is naturally a little more sweet to begin with since it uses yogurt.

I baked these at 400 for 14 minutes on convection because I was also making a pizza.  I greased the cookie sheet with butter (a light cookie sheet as I am home for the summer).  IF I was making these and not making a pizza, I would probably knock back the heat and let them cook lower and slower, at 350 until they get golden brown.

Now, as to my * note above.  I brushed mine with a little butter, that is true.  However, I really think that melting butter, dipping the tops of the knots in butter and then dipping it in a garlic topper/parmesan (heavy on the parm) topping and setting on a greased cookie sheet would work out better.  I consider these to be one of my works in progress.

Another option is to leave out the salt and add a pinch of sugar, then you could roll the knots in butter and a cinnamon sugar mix and bake cinnamon knots.  A quick powdered sugar and milk glaze or similar would be delicious as a dipping sauce or drizzle.  That idea reminds me a lot of something I used to do in home ec classes in high school and similar, and they were always one of our favorite days to be in class!

It is a super simple dough that is a mix between a pizza dough and a cake, but is good for a quick little side.  You can also use it as a pizza dough or similar, make cheesy breadsticks, and whatever else your crafty little self can come up with.

Happy crafting!


  1. Wowza! That looks amazing. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Thanks so much for posting this! The recipe is great!

  3. WOW!!! My family loved this. I tried making a healthier alternative to take out. So I made pizza with this recipe and added pesto for the sauce with a little bit or garlic, organic mozzarella cheese, and parm. cheese. For appetizer I made cheesy stuffed balls topped with olive oil, garlic, oregano, and parm. cheese. Topped off with dessert cinna sticks with chocolate chips. Sorry for the long comment but I am so grateful for this recipe. God bless:)

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback! That sounds like a delicious dinner.
