Wednesday, June 5, 2013

All Power, No Flour Muffins

-1 and 1/4 C Oats
-2 large carrots, finely shredded
-1 Container Chobani BeeNana Flip (5.3 oz, yougurt and flippy yumminess)
-1/4 C fresh, finely chopped pineapple
-1/4 C dried berry blend mix via Trader Joe's
-2 TB locally sourced honey (I used clover honey) via Whole Foods
-1/4 C Almond Meal (Trader Joe's has great prices on it)
-1/4 C Chopped Pecans
-3/4 tsp baking powder
-1 single serve container of cinnamon applesauce
-1 egg
-3-4 TB Cinnamon (seriously these can handle more than you would imagine.  I used probably 1.5-2 TB the first time and it was not near enough)
-1 tsp ginger (I did not use nearly enough the first time with just a shake or two, I would go with a full tsp)

You just need to mix all these ingredients together, I mixed it up by hand for once.  Grease a mini muffin pan and fill pretty much full, as they won't do much raising.  Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes until they are starting to brown and firm.

Let cool for about 10 minutes in the pan, and then transfer to a wire rack.  You may need to use a knife to loosen the edges.  I sprinkled a little cinnamon sugar on top.

I do not profess to be a nutritionist in any way shape or form. However, I do at least know that a muffin made without oil and butter and with applesauce and Greek yogurt is probably a much better choice.  Chobani Greek is packed with protein, carrots are loaded with fiber, and all of these fruits are packing some pretty fantastic amounts of vitamins.

Basically I made these because I want a quick bite I can pop before I go running in the morning.  That's right, the self proclaimed hater of running is trying to convince herself to take it up.

It turns out it is a lot more difficult when a coach isn't yelling at me.

However, I am a human that does not do well without food right when I get up.  That is why I am calling these All Power muffins, I need something that will be a healthy little bite before I go try to up my cardio.  I don't want to eat a full out breakfast and then run because that would make me sick.  I would rather pop a couple of these, hit the road, and eat breakfast when I get back.  So that is the plan for now.

These have a really bright flavor as is, even though I did not get enough spice in my first batch, so don't worry too much if you think you have it a little underspiced at first run.  They will still be tasty if you use quality ingredients.

Happy crafting!


  1. Thanks again for a great recipe!


    1. Anytime! Those flips are fantastic, I have loved every flavor I have tried.
