Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Fancy Flea Market Bracelet

This was such a lucky moment.  I needed to buy WildFire cord but I was out too late to go to Hobby Lobby, so I bough cord at Wal-Mart instead.  It just so happened that it had this plastic band on it that just happened to fit my wrist!  BRACE(LET) YOURSELF FOR THIS! Here we go...

I used a plastic band that came on my cord to make a bracelet.  If this band is not a comfortable fit on your wrist, cut your own cuff from a plastic bottle! You will also need paper and a clip on earring (or some jewel-y bit).
    Using Mod Podge, attach the paper on and around the band (you will want to cut it off to just longer than the band).  Apply a few more coats of mod podge, letting each dry, to get your paper down really well.
Afterwards, you will use E6000 and attach the clip on earring.  I used a lot, because I am just that kind of person, and you may want to rotate it a few times in the first five to ten minutes of it drying or some of it may run out of the bottom.
You can continue to apply mod podge, and will want at a minimum five layers of it.  Five is my magic number.  You could always paint a bit of resin on it as well.  Or sponge it on with a makeup applicator, since they are cheaper than brushes.
Here is a picture of what it looked like, you can continue to smoosh the pieces around the back down as you coat.  If they don't end up laying down, cut them off with an Xacto knife and mod podge the edges a few times.

The plus side to using the plastic bottle is you can make one as wide as you want.

 And here is what it looks like on my wrist.  I think it is actually super cute! This is a great way to reuse those plastic bits when you have to buy new cord.  It could be very cute with other pearl bracelets on.

And yes, I will still be buying WildFire the next time I go to Hobby Lobby. 

Because it has spoiled me.

If you use a plastic bottle to cut out a thicker cuff, look for a vintage lapel pin to stick through it.  You can cover these in fabric as well, either c

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