Friday, September 7, 2012

The Entire Bottle: More Christmas Ornaments from Plastics

Well a few days ago I made my Mountain Dew Angel.  I think it is super cute, but wanted to see what I could do with the mid section of the bottle, much like other things I have seen online.  SO I wanted to try it when I got home, you know, in case I created a lot of smoke.

I try not to be the tennant who causes a fire alarm.

 You need:
-A candle, I highly recommend a tea light
-A soft drink bottle
-Reynold's wrap or something to set them on when you are done
Cut the mid section out of the bottle (AND USE THE REST FOR AN ANGEL!) and cut it in to triangular pieces.  You don't necessarily have to have perfect points on the end but I ended up liking the angular ones much better than the ones I did not get as pointy.

Light your candle and hold a triangle about an inch and half above the flame.  You will see it start to buckle and you will want to start pulling and twisting it to curl it.  You will need to move the triangle to get the hole thing twisted, I like to work from the point up.

Watch out, sometimes it gets a tad bit on the hot side, I really did not get too burned or anything like that. Set them on the reynolds to cool.
Here are some of my finished products.  You will want to put SPARKLES on them of course (POLYFLAKE!) which would be easy to do with some mod podge.

Put a hole in them with a nail or something, string em, and put em up for all to see.

Two liters will make substantially longer ones.

It did not create any smoke or smell.  All in all it was very simple!

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