Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 5: ICE CREAM (you scream)!

I finally broke in my ice cream maker.  I bit the proverbial bullet and tried out my new toy...erm I mean tool.  We had a lot of strawberries left over from a cake we made recently, so strawberry seemed like a good way to go.   The recipe goes a little like this:

-A minimum of 3 cups of strawberries (really up to you on how much you like) cut up with 1/2 cup sugar and 4 TB lemon juice poured on them (let it sit for around 30 min so it starts to get juicy)
-2 Cups of Heavy Whipping Cream
-1 cup sugar
-1 6 ounce carton of Chobani yogurt (I used strawberry)
-1.5 cup of milk (higher fat milk yields creamier ice cream)

Cut your strawberries up and let them sit in the sugar/lemon juice for a while.  If you want your ice cream sweeter you can leave out the lemon juice.  Mash them with a potato masher (or put them in a blender for you fancy folk) until you get them to your desired consistency.

I personally like mine to have bits and pieces in it, but it is perfectly acceptable to puree them completely. 

If you choose to, I would err on the side of fewer strawberries as it will be more liquidy.

Anyway, back to the process.

Mix the remaining ingredients and chill it a couple of hours until cold.  Chill your metal canister in your ice cream maker as well.

Plop all of your ingredients in the canister and follow the instructions for adding salt and operating the machine and whatnot.

Look at the pretty ice crystals that formed on mine! I wanted to get a cool picture of the smoke that was coming off of it, but it did not pan out.

Oh, and ice cream salt is located on the spice row in most cases, with the other salt, just so you know when the guy leads you to driveway melting, 40 pound bags of rock salt.

Anyway, churn churn churn, 30 minutes.

When the ice cream maker is done working it's magic, transfer your ice cream to bowl you can plop in a freezer and give it a few hours.

Or eat it on the soft side right when it comes out of the machine, there is no judging here.

This has so far been my tastiest craft yet!

Oh, and if there are only two people in your prepared to share unless you just really eat a LOT of ice cream.

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