Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 4, "Nevermore"

As I mentioned back during my DC trip, we went to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum while we were there.  I absolutely loved the place and it was probably my favorite part of the trip.  What, the geology nerd loved the Poe Museum the most? It's true, it's true.  I'm a chameleon.  And one that loves The Raven.

Anyway back to craftiness.

So I had seen many things on pinterest using those small glass rocks to make magnets.  I had no magnet backs (of course) and no clear small rocks (of course) but what I DID have was a larger rock.  So I sat there and pondered what I could make, and now proudly present to you my raven pendant process:

Materials: Glass Rock, Image of Choice (I printed mine on photo paper), wire (in color of choice), E6000 glue, jump rings and jewelry closures, and necklace chain/accessories desired.

So, to make this I printed out the image on photo paper.  I am not sure it is necessary but it just holds up better I think.  I used E6000 to attach the image to the glass rock.  Again, you really want to let it dry or it is super annoying.

I should know, I'm impatient. 

Anyway I made the loop with the wire and then wrapped it around a few times on the rock.  I wrapped the remaining pieces around the loop to secure and strengthen it. 

I am a big fan of using chain scraps.  Chain is expensive, and I am a college kid, so the less I waste the better.

Funny sidenote, I have all of my chain in a pokeball, because I am just that cool.

Regardless, I grabbed all of my scraps, along with a neato silver thing I extracted from some earrings once.  Big earrings have the coolest pieces on them.  So I started reconstructing the pieces using jump rings.

Here is what I ended up with for the necklace.  I completely love things that are asymmetrical. 

There is even chain on here from my recent Big Bang Theory Necklace from a few posts ago.

And here is my finished product!  I put a few coats of mod podge on the back of it to make sure that the paper would be OK against skin and whatnot. 

If I could, I would have made it say "Nevermore".  I thought that it would be too small to read and whatnot, but after looking at the pendant I think it could have handled it.

I am not sure why The Raven is my favorite of Poe's work, but I completely enjoyed reading it, and know I will enjoy rocking my necklace.

It is a really awesome feeling to be able to make your own jewelry and to get exactly what you want.

Because seriously, where can you buy something this cool in stores?!

Day 4 is in the books, and this didn't cost me a bit! So far, so good.

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