Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Saffron Cauliflower Rice

Hello from the iPad....we will see how this goes!

I used:
1/4 of a head of orange cauliflower 
1 pinch of saffron threads 
Pinch of garlic (in retrospect I suggest a clove of real garlic. I'm becoming quite biased)
1/4 c diced onion
Salt and pepper
About 2 c of water
In retrospect, I'd also add a teaspoon or two of parsley

I threw all this in a pot and boiled it. Now. Don't get me wrong. Without butter...or meat...or something else to go in this it will be pretty bland. So you need to build things up around this. This makes a great base for quite a few dishes. 

You should be able to smash the cauliflower after about fifteen minutes or so. Estimated time of course, I was not paying full attention. But you want to stir it some, essentially it can just boil away and do its thing. 

Then mash it with a potato masher. I think I am going to save this and make some fish tomorrow to eat with it or maybe chicken. Like I said, this kind of thing makes a great base for a dish, so I am pretty excited. Cauliflower and I are becoming friends. 

Since this was already an orange cauli it really made it a vibrant and beautiful color. For someone who fully believes that you eat with your eyes as well, I could not be happier. I am looking forward to using this as a base for a healthy spin in Paella! 

Happy crafting!

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