Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cream Pies

-3/4 C Pumpkin Puree
-2 eggs
-1 tsp vanilla
-2 tsp cinnamon
-2 shakes ginger
-1 shake nutmeg (no I am probably never going to accurately measure either of those spices)
-dash of salt
-3/4 C packed brown sugar
-1/2 C granulated sugar
-1 tsp baking soda
-1.5 C quick cooking oats
-1 3/4 C AP Flour

-4 oz cream cheese
-2.5-3 C powdered sugar (adjusted for desired thickness)
-1/4 C REAL maple syrup (not that pancake crap)

Yes, for the record, I basically do have a vendetta against fake syrup.  I happen to use dark amber maple syrup this time as it was what I had open.  1/4 C was decided when that was all my bottle had left.  Oh the science of baking at work!

I mixed everything, in one bowl, basically all at the same time like I always do.  I started with the pumpkin puree, eggs, vanilla, spices, and salt and mixed them up all nice.  Then I added the sugars, baking soda, flour, and oats and mixed until incorporated.

Now, this made a bit of a stiff batter which I think is fantastic but what you need to keep in mind is that it does not spread out.  So, if you want thinner cookies, you need to spread it thinner to begin with.  You could also add a little more pumpkin if you wanted it to be a little more loose.  I used jumbo eggs, if you use eggs that are substantially smaller you may want to add more pumpkin as well.

Anyways drop dollops onto WELL GREASED cookie sheets, if yours have a tendency to be jerks I would consider baking these on parchment paper.  They are not nearly as bad as banana based things (oh my, that needs to be my next thing...banana cream pies, this recipe, sub banana for pumpkin and alter spices as needed) but they have the capability to stick.  I noticed that when I was getting them off the sheets.

Alright so dollops, drop them, then spread them out a bit if you want them to be thinner cookies.

I quite frankly like these hearty sandwiches. 

Bake them at 350F for 7-10 minutes, shorter for dark nonstick, longer for lighter pans, shorter side for my gas oven that I know burns hotter than the electric oven at home.  You want the edges to just be getting brown.

Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.

I don't know if I only ever had one rack here or if I have managed to lose mine somewhere in one of my cabinets.  Sadly, either are equally likely.  I have a horrible time keeping tabs on things and an equally terrible time of losing things in the most random of places.

I needed two, however because this recipe made about 40ish cookies of about 1.5 inches in diameter.  Some of course were smaller, some larger, but what can I say I don't have a fancy small cookie scoop here.

For the icing, you have a couple of options.  You can whip it up in your kitchenaid like it should be, all professional, whipped for 5-7 minutes to get all that nice air in...or you can whip it by hand in a bowl with a fork because you are not in the mood to wash your bowl...which is clearly what I did.

I always like to err on the high side of powdered sugar, but you may prefer less stiff icings in which case just add sugar til you get it where you want.  To each their own level of sugar!

I had to freeze a lot of these because A) this recipe made way the heck more than I planned on and B) I am here by my onesies.  I am storing mine in the fridge because my apartment is always on the warm side and the filling is cream cheese based.  Most of the ones in the fridge will go home with me Friday for sharing.  Some of the freezer ones will wait until my friends come visit me.

I can always lure my friends here when there is desserts in the freezer, and I have especially good luck with pumpkin ones.

These cookies would also be good just as they are, or with craisins thrown in.  Also, consider using them if you need a base for an ice cream sandwich!

Happy crafting!

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