Thursday, August 15, 2013

Simple Apple Cupcakes

I wanted to take cupcakes to work for the last day of my internship, because I have really enjoyed my summer there and I love to take goodies in to places I like.

I have also been in an apple mood, so my mom whipped up a simple swap to make a white cake mix a fantastic apple cake.

We highly suggest using Duncan Hines.  It is DELICIOUS! Here is how to alter it:

-1 box cake mix and required eggs
-1 cup chunky applesauce
-1/3 c oil
-1 tsp cinn
-1/4 tsp ginger
-pinch nutmeg

You want to mix all of the stuff up and put a scoop in a cupcake well.  Next put an apple chunk (from chunky applesauce, pie filling if you chop the apples, basically any cooked apple chunk) on the scoop in the middle and put another scoop on top.  We use a cookie/watermelon scoop so that ours come out evenly.

Bake them according to package directions, cool, and ice with your favorite icing.

Happy crafting!

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