Sunday, July 28, 2013

Omelet Wontons: Tasty Brunch Party Morsels!

-3 eggs
-3 TB Greek Yogurt
-2 tsp basil
-1/2 tsp rosemary
-Dash of seasoning salt
-12 wonton wrappers
-12 cherry tomatoes
-Pepper (to top the cups)
-Wonton wrappers

If you are wondering what my obsession with wonton wrappers was the past few days, I was going on a waste-not-want-not theme as I was in my apartment for a couple of days.  If only you could buy smaller packs of wontons...

Anyway preheat your oven to that most magical temperature of 350.  Spray your muffin tin (regular size) with a light layer of cooking spray and line them with wonton wrappers.

My eggs were just large (I religiously buy jumbo but knew I couldn't use 12 in two days so opted for a smaller pack of smaller eggs) so if you are using a little bigger eggs this might go a little further.  Whip all of the ingredients up in a bowl, saving the tomatoes out. 

If you want to stretch this, you could easily add in a little milk (maybe up to 1/4 C) and/or some cheese.  This recipe as it stands should fill the 12 wontons.

Fill each wonton about 1.5 TB of the egg batter.  Divide any remaining bits of batter into any that just look a little less full.  Slice the cherry tomatoes in half and put them on top of the egg mix in each cup (1 full tomato per cup).  Sprinkle a tad of salt and pepper on top.

Bake for 12-15 minutes until the eggs are set and the corners are nice and brown.  Your cooking time may vary based on what kind of muffin tins you have, mine are dark and I have a gas oven at my apartment.  If you are so fortunate to have a window and light on your oven door (lucky soul, you) you can easily keep an eye on them. 

Twelve minutes for me was perfect.

I pretty much had a tapeworm this whole weekend so I ate way too may of these, but they were also the only thing I ate for breakfast.  As a brunch food, these would be the perfect little poppable omelet bites.  I loved the texture of these and the flavor.  A little bacon crumbled on top would be pretty tasty as well. 

Happy crafting!

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