Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mango Ice Cream: Champagne Mangoes in a Delicious Summer Treat

I am officially converted.  Champagne Mangoes are a far superior fruit.  Oh my...summer HEAVEN.

-7-8 very ripe Champagne Mangoes (I found a 5 lb box at SAMs Club) cut, peeled, diced, and then mashed well
-2 egg yolks
-3 TB honey
-2/3 C Sugar
-1 6 oz container plain Greek yogurt
-1/3 C AP Flour
-2 1/3 C Milk
-2 tsp ginger
-1 tsp vanilla
-3 C Half & Half

Mash up the mangoes like you mean it!  In a medium to large sized sauce pan on medium heat, add the mango, honey, sugar, flour, milk, ginger and give it a good stir to incorporate.  More explanation on why I chose the ingredients I did later.

In a small bowl (I used the one I had mashed the mangoes in) whisk the egg yolks briefly.  Once the base heats up (keep stirring it, by the way) add a tablespoon or so at a time to the egg mixture and mix well, adding until the eggs are about the same temperature as the base that is cooking. 

Once the eggs are tempered, add the egg mix to the base and stir stir STIR!  Continue to let it heat and come to a boil, I let mine boil for a minute or so.  It should thicken to the consistency of a somewhat loose gravy, but not go so far as to a full out pudding. Don't worry, the thinner consistency will work out just fine.

All in all I would say I cooked mine about 15 minutes, letting it come to a boil after about ten or so and then leaving it on and stirring as much as possible a few minutes after.  I added the vanilla once I was satisfied with the texture, and added the Greek Yogurt after I transferred it to another bowl.  The Greek just adds a little extra thickness, and you could increase the amount (and could use Chobani Mango Greek!) if you wanted.  You are freezing it in the end, so there is a lot more wiggle room than there is with a pudding.

Anyway, once you have it where you want it, transfer it to a bowl and let it cool for a while before popping it in to your fridge overnight.

The next day, transfer your mango mix to the chilled ice cream canister, add 3 cups of half and half, and freeze according to your ice cream maker instructions.  By mashing it, there were still yummy chunks and bits of tasty fantastic mango all throughout it. I absolutely love it.

Anyway, back to my choices on ingredients.  I opted to use some locally sourced honey from Whole Foods in this as opposed to using more sugar because I wanted it to be sweet, but did not need it to set like a pudding. I also really like honey in mango recipes.  The regular sugar I figured would help the base thicken up just a bit, much as sugar would in a jelly (though this small amount would obviously not be enough to get it to jelly status, but you see where I am going).

I added the Greek because as far as I am concerned, there is simply no reason not to add it in and make other healthy substitutions when you can.  Fruits and things like pumpkin that have rich, thick textures can handle a cut back in the fat and subs like yogurt, at least in my opinion.

Also, I don't particularly enjoy the film heavy cream leaves on the roof of my mouth, so I pounce on every opportunity to bypass it without sacrificing delicious flavor.  You can add a pinch of salt in if you like as well. 

These are by far the best mangoes I have ever had in my ENTIRE life.  I absolutely love them.  If you have not tried a champagne mango, you HAVE to find some nearby. 

Happy crafting!

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