Monday, July 15, 2013

Black and White Western Decorated Sugar Cookies

We did some western cookies for a barnyard birthday party, which was absolutely adorable since the little birthday girl had professional photos taken in a cowgirl hat.

To do these, we mixed up a fairly stiff white and black royal icing.  You want it firm enough to stay in place but soft enough to blend together and look like a solid layer.

I did the black outlines first.  For the boots I simply made curls up and out toward the sides, made a line up about a quarter inch, and then made another set of curls.  I also put small flares between the curls.

For the hats I just made a black band and did the black trim work.  I always like to give mine about five minutes or so to set before I come back in with the second color.  This gives the first color enough time to stabilize but not set so hard that the second doesn't want to blend together.

Also consider doing these boots in pretty color combinations such as brown and aqua to fit other party needs.

Happy crafting!

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