Saturday, July 13, 2013

Barnyard Cake Pops: Sheep, Chickens, Cows, Pigs (oh my!)

Chickens: Sugar eyeballs, butterscotch chip for a beak, carved red chocolate disk

Pigs: 1/2 mini pink marshmallow for nose with black icing color nostrils, pink sugar eyes, 1/2 pink mini marshmallow for each ear, pinched to make a point and stuck on with extra chocolate

Cows: 1/2 mini marshmallow for nose with black icing color nostrils, sugar eyes, gumpaste/fondant or 1/2 marshmallow for ears, regular chocolate spots

Sheep: approximately 15 white mini marshmallows torn in half, 1 black chocolate disk for face, sugar eyes, 2 triangular pieces of black chocolate for ears

Basically all these cake pops are built up the same way, but with different accents.  I make my cake pops in my Babycakes Cake Pop Maker.  Next, I cut a cone out of them and fill them.  I cut the bottom 2/3 of the cone piece off and put the top back on to close up the hole.  I stick a cake pop stick in them and set them on a plate.

When they are all filled and on sticks on the plate, I pop the plate in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes.  Next, I melt chocolate (I started with white on these and did the pigs last) and pour it into a coffee mug. 

One by one I grab a cake pop out of the freezer, dip it in chocolate, and let the excess drip off.  You have to have all of your accents ready because the chocolate will set quickly.  While it is dripping off, I put the decorations on.  For the cows and chickens (and pigs later with the pink) I put the eyes and noses/beaks on right off the bat.  I also included the red accents on the chickens. For the sheep, I put the black disk on first, and then as many half mallows as possible. 

For all of the animals, I put the ears on by dipping the bottom down in chocolate and putting it on the cake pop.  I also had to do this with many of the mallows for the sheep, as well as the sheep eyes and ears.  With the cows, I dipped a spoon in a little regular chocolate after all the decorations were on and used the back of the spoon to spread it where I wanted it.  You could also use a good paint brush.

I like to stick mine in florist foam, which can be wrapped in paper if you want it to match a certain theme.   You can easily reuse the blocks if they are for something you are doing at your house.

As with many things, you need to be prepared to invest about 3 hours or so in these to get two dozen done.  They are time consuming, but they really are a work of art in their own googly-eyed sort of way.  I have also made turkeys and penguins before that have been a big hit at holiday parties.

Happy crafting!

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