Sunday, June 16, 2013

Redneck Cupcakes: Deer, Weapons, and lots of CAMO

So...I had a picture of how cool the camo batter was...and I hit delete instead of email.


Anyway, the cupcakes themselves are camo for the two with grass on top.  I divided the batter out into the main bowl and 3 ramekins.  I added black cake coloring to one, green to another, and brown to the third.  I put half tablespoons of batter in, alternating the colors until they were 2/3 of the way full. 

To decorate these, I mixed german chocolate (pecan coconut) icing with regular buttercream icing to make the deer.  My dad (and me too!) loves German chocolate cake.  I smeared it on with a spoon and then used my fingers to bring in the sides toward the bottom to make it look more like a deer face. I mixed it with our wedding cake icing so that it would set, as well as so it would give me a light brown without adding extra color.

I broke pretzels to use as antlers, and I would suggest dipping them in chocolate  because they get real stale real quick.  I used a black sixlet for the nose and cute googly eyes.

For the "hunter" cupcakes (which everyone kept calling cookie monster) I used the grass tip and a leaf tip to create a mound of icing where the hunter was hidden.  Clearly he is a hunter that is afraid of heights and did not want to get in a tree stand so he has elaborate camo.

That is my story and I am sticking to it.

I added googly eyes and then melted some chocolate.  I put the melted chocolate in a Ziploc bag, cut a tiny bit of the corner off, and freehand piped some bows and arrows and guns.  Pipe them on to wax paper, let them cool a few minutes or refrigerate them real quick, and use a thin metal spatula to get them off.  Be very careful and make extra, odds are you will break a few.

For the other cupcakes I used the grass and leaf tips to make a forest floor type setup, as well as piping some twigs in brown icing.  You could do that in chocolate as well.

For all of my green, I dipped a knife in brown and one in black and ran it up the sides of the icing bag before I put my green in.  This gave me a camo, woodsy, variegated color in a super simple way.

They were a delicious way to celebrate Father's Day!

Happy crafting!

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