Thursday, May 16, 2013

Star Cookies: Decorating Styles

SO this is a decorating idea post, because these stars had so many different coatings so to speak.

For some of the cookies, we poured white royal icing into icing bottles and then put a little icing on a knife (if the paste kind) or squirt some in and stir it with a knife.  If you under-stir it the end result will be a pretty marbled effect.

On the white and pink ones we used solid colors and put edible sugar flakes.

For the yellow ones, we did some solid yellow and put colored sugar sprinkles on top.  On others, we did the blue outline first and came back and filled them in with yellow and added the sprinkles.

I REALLY like the two tone ones the best.  We did these for kids as they are less messy than cupcakes but will still provide ample sugar rushes just in time for them to go home with their mommies....


Just kidding.

Anyway cookies are great for parties because no one throws their wrappers anywhere and they are very mobile. 

Happy crafting!

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