Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cucumber Dill Dip

I love hummus, and tzatziki, and making somewhat similar things with the ingredients I have.

For this dip, I mixed up 1 C of Plain Chobani Greek Yogurt, 1/3 C Sour Cream, about 3 TB fresh dill, the zest of one lemon, a half tsp of garlic, a finely shredded cucumber, and a pinch of salt.

If I had my jar of Beau Monde, I would completely have put a TB or so of that in as well.  It goes great with dill.

The dip came out really light and fresh.  I am thinking that it will go great in a layered dip with hummus.  It will hopefully go first layer hummus, second this dip, topped with asiago or parmesan (feta would be a fun choice if you had it on hand), shredded spinach leaves, and diced tomato. 

If you are an olive lover, you could easily toss a few of those on top.

To eat with this I used the rest of my wraps and made them into tortilla shells.  I cut them into 8ths and put them on a baking sheet.  I sprayed them with cooking spray and sprinkled salt, garlic cheese topper, and a tiny bit of pepper on top.  I baked them at 350 for 6 minutes, flipped them, and baked for 6 minutes more.

This makes a great light and fresh dip for the summer!

Happy crafting!

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