Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Banana Grahams: Tasty banana flavored graham crackers without butter!

-1 Very ripe banana (on the larger side not a shrimpy one)
-2 tsp vanilla
-1/2 C Milk
-1/4 C honey
-1 C brown sugar
-2 C AP flour
-1 C whole wheat flour (plus more for dusting and kneading in)
-1 tsp baking soda
-1/2 TB cinnamon

Break up the banana and add the milk, honey, and vanilla and mix well in your mixing bowl.  Add in the brown sugar.  Once that is all mixed, add the remaining ingredients.

The dough will be very moist, dependent somewhat on how big of a banana you used.  Turn it out onto a WELL floured surface.  Use more wheat flour for the surface.  Start dusting and kneading in flour until it becomes not sticky and you are able to roll it out.  Just warning you, it will be a complete sticky nightmare for the first few minutes.  Total pain.  You might consider kneading it in your bowl with extra flour with the dough hook. 

I would suggest if your room is warm due to your oven being preheated to 350 degrees to put some of the dough in the fridge and work in thirds or so.  Roll the dough out to desired thickness.  I happen to like thicker soft cookies of this as opposed to super thin crackers. 

Bake at 350 for 6-10 minutes, until you cannot squish them down with a light touch and they are starting to brown just a bit.  I made teeny tiny little stars for my first batch, and super cool dinosaurs for my second batch.

...No they are not for a child, I happen to like T-Rex too.  Don't judge me, Jurassic Park is my all time favorite movie.

Anyway I let mine cool on a rack and dusted them with cinnamon sugar right when they came out of the oven.  I will transfer them to a bag or cake plate to store them.

So, they are not perfectly healthy, but there are substantially better for you ingredients in these as compared to other cookies.  And they are TASTY.  If you like bananas, banana bread, and similar you will really like these.  They are sweet and flavorful and super addicting.  They would make a great snack for kids in these little star shapes.  You can usually find sets of various sizes at places like Michaels, Hobby Lobby, cake specialty stores, and similar that have everything from teeny tinies to extra hefty cutters.

Happy crafting!

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