Sunday, March 31, 2013

Different Flavors of Homemade Cheese It-style Crackers

-8 ounces of cheese
-1/2 stick butter
-1 Cup of AP flour
-Salt and Seasonings to taste
-2 TB(+) of cold water

Now I understand that it does not seem like a very detailed recipe, but there are a few things to know about it.  First, different cheeses have different moisture contents, so some may naturally require more water. 

Put the softened butter, cheese, and seasonings into a mixer bowl and mix them.  Add in the flour and mix to form a pebbly dough.  Start adding in the water slowly, adding just enough so that the dough begins to stick together.  You want it to just be to the point that you can press it into a dough and it sticks together.

Turn the dough out on a floured surface and roll it out very thin.  Cut it with a pizza cutter or cookie cutter of your choice and bake on a greased sheet for 15-17 minutes at 375.  If you have a convection oven, you can convect them for 12 minutes (I was using a light metal pan instead of dark nonstick this time).  When you pull them out of the oven you will want to transfer them to wire racks or wax paper to cool, you will want to sprinkle a little salt on them. 

My absolute favorite, and unanimous favorite among my family members, uses 8 ounces of mozzarella, about 1 tsp of garlic cheese topper, 1 tsp of basil, 1/2 tsp of crushed roasemary.  All of my recipes have between 1/2 and 1 tsp of salt in them.

Other tries include:
-Fiesta cheese with 1-2 TB of taco seasoning (I would err on the high side unless you just have an extremely strong mix)
-Colby jack cheese with garlic cheese topper
-White cheddar with salt and pepper

They are so simple to make and are incredibly addicting.  I love the fact that they just have a few simple ingredients and don't have all of the freaky ingredients with twelve mile long chemical names.

PLUS, this is stuff we always have around the kitchen.  The next goal is to make them with pepperjack cheese. 

But after spending hours this morning cutting them out with the worlds tiniest cookie cutter (which was obnoxiously cute by the way) those pepperjack ones will just have to wait.

Happy crafting!

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