Friday, March 29, 2013

Decorating Idea: Easter Chick Cupcakes

So, I have to admit.  These are almost too cute to eat....almost.

My mom and I whipped these up for a bake sale that a local church is doing.  I was pretty obsessive this entire week about doing something with fun decorating, and so began these chicks. 

We used the large Wilton cupcake tip (I want to say it's a 1M), a leaf tip for orange beaks, and a writing tip to pipe eyes.

You could totally do these with googly eyes if you bought them, that would be fun as well.  I did the first one with dot eyes and the rest with "happy eyes" because they just seemed like they were having a more fun time that way. 

They are in orange cupcake liners with polka dots on them, which I highly suggest! The color matching really popped them at the end. 

The cupcakes themselves are a lemon cake.  I personally think these will go over great at the sale!

If I don't buy them myself that is!

Make sure you have a firm icing that will set so your beaks don't flop. 

Happy crafting!

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