Friday, February 1, 2013

Menu Board, lighter and brighter

All of my lightbulbs burned out in my kitchen.  Luckily, my best friend gave me some incandescents she wasn't going to use since she switched to CFLs that I could use in ornament crafting.  Well LUCKILY I did not think of enough things to use lightbulbs in during the crafty winter months so I still had some bulbs.  I put them in my light, flipped it on...

And whoa boy did it make my apartment light way brighter.  I don't know what low wattage bulbs were in there when I moved in, but they sucked.  So then since my apartment was all light and bright, I naturally had to change the menu board to match.

Then, as I now ironically note, I took the picture in a more lowly lit part of my apartment ahhaha.  That is rather funny.  Anyway a major crafting problem for me is not always having enough paper of the right type to do large projects like this.  I could have waited to go buy more, but instead I opted for my usual use what I have theory. 

The top left and bottom right with the birds are pages I had.  in order to blend these pages with themselves and with the borders I markered some white pages with gray and putch sketch lines and words of my favorite quotes in very small writing as a nod to the paper.  I also used a pen to draw in the bottom half of the butterfly as it was only on the top paper. 

So that my panels would not be color and the rest black and white, I used my graphic design markers to color in some of the scrapbook pages.

Then I added squares at odd angles because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get things straight when your craft area of choice is the floor.  Seriously, super tough.  I put in the bubbles so that I could write things I needed to buy, make notes, and jot down ideas.

I like it quite a bit!

As always, happy crafting!

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