Sunday, February 3, 2013

Graham Cookie Cake: Dessert Victory

-1/2 C Milk
-1/4 C honey
-2 Tsp Vanilla
-1 tsp cinnamon
-3 shakes of ginger
-2 Cups AP Flour
-1/2 C Wheat Flour
-1 C brown sugar packed
-1 tsp baking soda
-1/2 C salted butter, softened

Mix all of the ingredients together.  I still do not bother chilling my dough but you can if you like.  With a greased (preferably dark nonstick) pan, turn out and shape your dough to whatever you want it to look like. 

I have a tradition of fun desserts, and really cookie cakes especially, that I always try to keep going during Super Bowl.  So I kept it up this year with a homemade graham cookie cake, which is WAY better than any storebought thing ever thought about being.

Bake at 350 for 10 minutes or so, until the edges start to brown and firm.  Lighter pans may require a bit more time.  Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over the cookie when it comes out of the oven.

Icing Ingredients:
-1/2 pack of cream cheese
-1/2 stick of butter, softened
-2-3 TB REAL maple syrup
-2-3 cups of powdered sugar
-1 TB meringue powder

Powdered sugar can be adjusted on how stiff you want your icing.  I wanted mine to be just at a stage before set, so I used closer to 3 cups.  Mix all of these ingredients well, I mixed and added powdered sugar until mine could hold a peak.

Then I just piped a border and some cute designs on it once the cookie was completely cool.  The good thing about this jellyroll pan is that it comes with a lid and a handle, so taking this thing was SUPER simple. 

This is a great way to do a cookie cake that is completely homemade, not packed with preservatives and questionable amounts of who knows what, and that is a delicious diversion from the relatively tasteless norms that come from the store.

I am sorry, but those things hardly even have a chocolate flavor, much less a quality COOKIE flavor.  You know everything that goes in this cookie, and can easily make it any shape you want to fit the theme of the party.  I also don't mind knowing that the dessert people are downing is part wheat flour instead of all completely white flour!

This was a complete hit for the party, with VERY few leftovers.

Happy crafting!

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