Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch" Cookies

-1 pack of sugar cookie dough, refrigerated or mixed up, or your homemade variety
-1/2 C sugar
-2.5 tsp cinnamon, plus extra

These are super simple! Flour your countertop before rolling out.  All you need to do is roll the dough out into a rectangle, approximately 9x12 or so. 

Sprinkle heavily the cinnamon sugar mix on the dough and press/rub it in as you go.  You probably will only use half of the cinnamon sugar mix, but that is never a bad thing to have on hand.  Roll the dough up from the short side, tightly, and cut about 1/2 inch slices off.  I like to smoosh mine down on a greased pan personally.  Dark nonstick, as always.  I get another half a tsp of cinnamon out and rub a small bit on top of the cookies as well, just to make sure they have plenty of flavor in them.

Bake them at 350 for 15-18 minutes.  I let mine bake until they were pretty golden, which is why mine were a tad more on the crispy side.  This spawned my sisters both equating them to cinnamon toast crunch, which is clearly one of the best cereals ever invented.  I have NO issue getting a compliment like that.  Another option is baking on parchment paper so that they don't get as dark on the bottom.

Mine were in for about 18, so feel free to cut back a little on your time for a softer cookie.  I think a maple or cinnamon cream cheese frosting would turn these into DELICIOUS cookie sandwiches as well.

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