Thursday, February 28, 2013

Avocado Faux-tucinni Sauce

-1 avocado
-2 oz cream cheese or greek yogurt
-pinch of garlic
-At Least 4 TB parmesan cheese (I didn't measure)
-Juice of half a lemon
-2 TB garlic cheese topper (yes even though I used garlic)
-Dash of salt

Mix it all up.  That is pretty much it.  I boiled off some pasta and sauteed mushrooms and tomato in a skillet.  Drain the pasta, toss in the veggies, and add the sauce.  Stir and eat.  The heat of the fresh cooked pasta and veggies warms up the sauce, no need to cook it.

What I did not expect was the added benefit of how delicious this is as a pasta salad!  I had leftovers and tried them for lunch and it was absolutely delicious.  I used reduced fat cream cheese, and not much of it. 

I could also be highly biased toward this sauce because it is green. 


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