Thursday, January 10, 2013


So if you are like me,  you are a super lucky college kid with an awesome mom who will make you miniature meatloaves to take back with you so you don't have to make it yourself.  Plus, who makes meatloaf better than your mom? No one, of course! So it really only makes sense that she mix you some up.  Especially when 90/10 sirloin ground beef is involved.

I have been pretty hooked on 90/10 since I tried it.  I do use the leaner stuff now and then, but the sirloin tastes a million times better with really not all that much extra fat.  I don't like to use 85/15 all that much, as I don't like a lot of grease production unless we are talking bacon in which case grease is fine.  I don't even consider 73/27 when I am shopping for meat.

 The problem is, no matter what I do, I always have leftovers.  I have gotten it down to being able to pretty much eat all of these meatloaves over the course of a couple days because they are about a third of the size of normal.  Maybe a little taller but about the same length as a great sized baking potato.

It occurred to me one day that people eat meatloaf sandwiches.  I had never had one but I watch the food network and other shows enough to know they exist.  So I tried one last semester with some leftovers, and sure enough it was DELICIOUS.  Now, for those of you who are skeptical of this, consider a meatloaf sandwich to be a glorified burger.

I determined today it was a glorified burger, and a winning combination of toppings followed.  My recipe for a perfect meatloaf sandwich now is:
- 1 slice or pieces of a slice of meatloaf (about 1/2 inch or so thick
-a relatively thin slice of GOOD QUALITY colby jack, meaning from the block and not shredded.  I got Tillamook cheese from SAMs Club and it is pretty fantastic. 
-ketchup and mayo
-2 slices of bread, toasted

I have decided that the toasted is non-negotiable unless you have to store it in a lunchbox all day.  You can warm the meatloaf up or not, I never do.  It is actually really delicious cold.  Meatloaf has a much smoother texture than a burger because it is mixed with other things and I cannot stress enough that sirloin beef will change your meatloaf life hahaha.  Ok fine, maybe it won't, but it most certainly changed mine. 

Like I said, it was deciding that it was a glorified burger that prompted me to include add ons.  I would not be surprised if at some point I put bacon on one of these sandwiches.  THAT...would be amazing.

And maybe frisco sauce from Steak n Shake....

Anyway I wrapped this little guy up in the paper towel and took it to go as I was unsurprisingly running late to my class.  Something about 1230 classes does not work for me on getting out of my apartment very early.  Luckily, late to me is walking in 3 minutes before class starts, so everything works out just fine.

I am always looking for better things to take for lunch.  My body can't run all day on PB&J anymore, it has sadly figured out that I am not still 7...what a buzzkill.  As I don't like to hunt down microwaves on campus, anything that can be taken cold is a major plus as far as I am concerned.  I don't enjoy lunch meat too much, so I have to get pretty strategic on food, or eat on campus.

And there are only so many days in a row you can eat on campus.


Happy crafting.

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