Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chipotle Chicken Salad Version 2.0

Ok, I said many moons ago when I made chipotle chicken salad for a sandwich that I thought it would be a great base to add things to and to rev up.  Well, I DID.  This is more to me like a cracker spread now, the other version will always be my samich love.  You will need:

-2 chicken tenderloins or 1 chicken breast (whatever is handy)
-1 hardboiled egg
-1/4 c mix of rough chopped pepper pieces with a small ring of onion chopped and mixed in as well
-1/4 c corn
-1 small tomato (think roma or so) chopped
-1 TB chipotle mayo (more as desired)
-1/4 c sour cream
-Salt, pepper, butter, taco seasoning

Don't get too hung up on the exact measures of the chipotle and sour cream mix.  You may want more of it, less of it, stronger chipotle, you really are going to want to make it suit your tastebuds.

Hardboil and peel the egg, and boil the chicken for about 30-40 minutes or until you can shred it with a fork. 

In a skillet, sautee corn, peppers, and onions in butter with salt and pepper until the peppers are soft.  You may want to put a lid on it and steam it some.  Take your shredded chicken and pop it in the skillet with the veggies.  Add a sprinkling of taco seasoning, and another pat of butter if needed.  Add about 1/4 c water or less to the skillet.

Let that all cook together for five minutes or so, stirring occasionally.  Really my goal here was to just get a little flavor on the chicken before mixing it in.  Drain the contents of the skillet if necessary and put into a bowl.  Mix with chipotle may and sour cream, adjusting one or the other to correct the heat to your taste.  I added a little sprinkle of salt and pepper into mine as well. 

It is really good on blue corn tortilla chips, but I must say I actually like it better on saltine crackers.  You could use plain greek yogurt in place of the sour cream to cut down on some fat and add in some extra protein.  This would also be good on sandwiches and in wraps. 

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