Friday, December 7, 2012

Santa Card

So here is a random card I made.  I conned a few friends into giving me their mailing addresses today, so I am starting to designate a few cards to specific homes.

For this card, I used a rich red paper, tore a small strip of black, and tore out a square from my gold paper.  I used scissors to put slits in the square so I could lace the belt through it.

I attached the decorations with mod podge, and then mod podged the entire card and put polyflake on it.  Then I put mod podge over it to keep the sparkles on...

Now, let's say you are a shenaniganizer like me.  And let's say you were threatening someone with glitter bombing them via a card.  If you were this kind of shenaniganizer, you might not put a second coat on...heck...maybe you don't even put the first on there....

The world may never know.  Ahahahahh.  I have some seriously fun friends.  I really should have taken a picture of that card before I put it in an envelope.  Bugger.

Regardless, this responsible and polite card will be going to someone, it doesn't know exactly where it will end up yet.  But it is festive.  Holly and jolly.

If you don't have friends as fun as mine, you need to work on that.  Because my friends and my family keep life interesting.

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