Monday, December 10, 2012

Clearance Necklace

I really like things at a good price.  I was raiding Michael's for some paint to make yesterday's steampunk hot air balloon ornament (which is now on my little tree).  After finding all the paint I needed I stood up and had a moment.

This is going to sound really odd, but there are just times when a craft idea comes to mind that is so incredibly well developed that I can almost literally see it right in front of me instead of whatever I was looking at.  Which probably makes you think I am crazy.  Which I really don't care.

Regardless, I then had to promptly march to the jewelry section, where lo and behold I found all sorts of things I "needed" on clearance.  I found charms and chains and necklaces and beads.

Which leads me to this post.  I found these wire orb bead things and I was intrigued.  I quite frankly love things that are a mishmash mess if you look closely but that when you zoom out look perfectly put together.  So of course, I liked these beads.  I also wanted them because they were inspirational on making my own beads out of wire, which I plan on trying at some point.

Regardless, what I did not know was how in the world I would turn them into a necklace or any other sort of jewelry.  I ended up putting them and two clear beads on eye pins, attaching them together, and then putting them on chain to make a longer necklace.  

A longer necklace that I have a terrible notion it will be one I keep instead of my plan on giving much of what I make this month as Christmas gifts...

I did, however, make some others that actually will be Christmas gifts, so at least I am partially where I should be. 

Is it an astonishingly beautiful necklace? Well, perhaps not.  But I like it, and I imagine that it will give you your own ideas on how you could use these quirky beads or other clearance things to your benefit. 

Mostly, I just hope it inspires you to reach outside of your usual go-to's in jewelry or crafting and take a look at something you might never have purchased before.  There is potential in everything.

Happy crafting!

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