Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Ideas

Now technically this isn't a craft because I haven't done these but I was contemplating various ideas for thanksgiving cake pops. It occurred to me that it might still make a good blog for today, as the holiday is nearing and what is crafty if a good idea does not count as such?

That's my argument :) my real reason is most likely that I shut my computer down before blogging. Sue me.

Turkeys- I think it would be adorable to make a flavor of cake pops, let's say chocolate, and dip them in chocolate candy coating. Then you could put on those sugar eyes you can find at the grocery and two yellow sprinkles for a beak. You could probably use candy corn as a tail by setting it on your wax paper and then setting the cake pop on it and allowing it to dry. Another option would be using colored candy melts to make a tail and then attaching it to your cake pop.

Pilgrims- another hoot (or gobble!) would be using fudge stripe or similar cookies with rolos or Reese's cups (mini) on top to make pilgrim hats. You could sit these on top of the cake pop after you dipped it and they would have a cute pilgrim hat! Marshmallows might also be a worthwhile venture for the hat part.

Pumpkins- I know Wilton has a tip similar to a basketweave tip but its curved. This would make interesting sides on a cake pop that could look just like a pumpkin. Other options would be to use orange candy melts. A mini chocolate chip would make a perfect little stem, but I think butterscotch would taste far better with pumpkin!

Well my eyelids feel like lead....goodnight!

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