Friday, November 30, 2012

No Knead Pizza

Quick recap as always:

-3C Flour
-1.5C Lukewarm water
-1.5tsp Salt (HAH I almost wrote cup)
-1/4tsp yeast

Mix all, let it rise overnight. Then let it sit in the fridge for a day or so. 

When you are ready to make some pizza yumminess, turn about half the dough onto a floured surface.  Knead a tad of flour in, and then roll and stretch it out to your desired thinness.

I put a little bit of cornmeal on my pizza pan with holes.  Then I plopped the dough on it. 

I let it sit there about 40 minutes to warm back up, it was really chilly from the fridge, obviously.  Next, I put tomato sauce and herbs and then added cheese, tomato, spinach, and some shrimp.  I then drizzled a little butter on the crust.  And finally added some garlic cheese topper.

I baked it at 400 for about 20 minutes. You want the crust to be yummy golden.

So I stayed up until 4:45 this morning watching the first season of Alias.  Idk what it is about amazon prime but every now and then I get super hooked on watching some new season of a show.  I have been watching it all day and doing work. And making pizza obviously. 

I am almost through season one.  I really do not need to stay up super late again....but I only have a feeeewww more episodes left....what will I do? We shall see.

Now go make some pizza.

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