Friday, November 23, 2012


From the phone again, you know the drill. No pictures. I am gearing up for a craft festival tomorrow, so please forgive me!

Anyway, how many of you are looking to redo a chandelier, or have redone one and just think it needs a little more pizzazzle? I can help!

Run, don't walk, to Hobby Lobby. When there, go to the Christmas ornaments that are sold individually and are usually stylistically coordinated. Look in the black and white and clear areas.

What you will find here are perfect danglies for a chandelier. I got 5 black fleur de lis ornaments that have clear jewels hanging from them, and a larger red sparkly ornament to hang from the center. The best part is? They LOOK like they were made specifically for a chandelier. They even have some that look exactly like a chandelier shape.

Next best part? 50% off sale.

You all can thank my sister for this absolutely amazing idea, because we raided stores for Black Friday this morning!

Hope your Thanksgiving was great!

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