Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A More Modern Christmas Card

I am just Leshoure I am on to something here.  HA! More fantasy football humor.  If you have SEEN my running backs in my fantasy league, they are indeed something to laugh about.

Unless you are me.  In which case it is more like cry about.

Anyway, today I bring to you a more modern Christmas card, in a stark ooposite of my card yesterday which was very much more vintage and maybe a little on the rugged side.  It was warm cozy cabin and this one is more mini-tree in a loft.

I tend to make my own cards now as it saves me from having to cut and glue paper on to card bases.  It is remarkable how long it took me to figure out that was a waste of my time.

It is also remarkable how many times I CUT THE PAPER WRONG when I go to make my card base.  For someone who took Calc I & II, has completed one degree and is working on a Master' would think I could cut paper.

But for those of you who are cut challenged, you want the paper 5.5ish by 8 inches.  This will give you the card as shown when you fold it over.

So I used a marker and drew the lines and the ornament toppers.  I cannot stress enough that perfection is not required and should be shunned. :)

Think topsy-turvey for the toppers especially.  Give them a little pizzazz.  If you had black or silver glitter, it would be a great way to pizzazzle them up even more.  If Rachel Ray can make up spoonulas, I think I should get pizzazzle.

 Use a 1inch punch or your cricut and cut out some circles.  I chose dark red because it was such a stark difference than this neon lemon-lime color that I had chosen for a base.  After I drew out the strings and toppers, I attached the circles using mounting dots.  Note the shadows.  Always an indicator of depth, and therefore an indicator of pizzazzle.

I am not giving it up.

Next I used my white puffy paint that I am borderline addicted to and decorated the ornaments.

And no, I did not intend to make the far right one look like an ugly sweater contest....BUT HOW MUCH BETTER IS IT NOW THAT IT LOOKS LIKE THAT!!?!?!? I made the two lines first and instantly knew that this was going to be a hoot.

And OWL say it was.  Ahahah, oh the clever keeps on coming.

The one in the middle may look vaguely reminiscent of my extensively repinned puffy paint ornament.  I am proud of that little bugger for being so widely loved, so it only made sense that he got a nod in this card.

Next I cut out a square of white with my paper cutter, sat it on a dark red scrap and cut that with the cutter to make a bigger square.  I used my happy holidays stamp and lime green ink to put a saying on, attached the white with mounting dots and the red to the card with glue and that is all she wrote!

But as usual, not all that I wrote. Maybe you are asking yourself, you say you only used green ink yet your happy holidays is multi-colored, why?  That my friends is because I never wash my stamps off.  True story.  I do wipe my clear stamps off sometimes.... But hey, in cases like this it is PERFECT.

Greeting cards are a cheap and great way to use up your extra paper, so hop to it!

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