Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gum Paste Painting

 This the season to be fall-y!  See what I did there? :)

Anyways, I was messing around with gumpaste today because I need to get back in the swing. Gumpaste requires you to operate on a much higher level.

AKA, I have to be patient.  And I hate that.

So I wanted to experiment with painting it, and since it is the fall wedding season I thought fall leaves was a perfect way.

I cut these little leaves out using the ivy leaf cutter.  Next, I put orange, yellow, and brown food coloring (the paste kind) into a styrofoam bowl.

I just wiped it on the side of the bowl, like a pallette.  I dipped a paper towel that I rolled into the color and then quickly dipped it in water. This makes it more liquid to use.

Using this method with three different colors I sponged them on to the leaf. 

It is super simple, but such a cool way to get some color on your gumpaste.

Sparingly on the water!

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