Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ginger Peach Fruit Snacks

-1  .3 oz package of sugar free peach jello
-2  .25 oz packages of unflavored gelatine
-At least 1 tsp of ginger, more to taste
-Approximately 1/3 c water

The water will vary based on how chewy/solid you want them.  These are VERY solid with just 1/3 c, and I actually added just a TB or so extra water.  Nonetheless, DELICIOUS.

Mix all of your ingredients and cook for a bit over low/medium heat.  You want all of the gelatin to be dissolved.

Once dissolved, pour into molds and chill in the fridge until set.  You should have no issue getting them out of the mold.
Alright, maybe you should buy smaller molds.  But seriously, who WOULDN'T want a gigantic fruit snack?

I for one enjoyed the fruit snack requiring multiple bites.

Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but I have a ginormous grant to work on.  ENJOY!

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