Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall Decorating

Well here is my itty bitty fall decoration...

Intentionally one that I can keep up all the way until December, haha!

Like I have mentioned I have been working overtime on grant writing, my professor did not like it so I wrote a second grant so he can decide which we will use...

Two grants at once? No biggie!

Yea right.  Anyway I was really running close to not even bothering to decorate but I so badly wanted something.  Since my bread was so delicious yesterday, I opted to allow myself this measley post for today.

Oh, and that bread made a fantastic grilled cheese for lunch with mozzarella and mushrooms.  YUMMO!

Anyway I DO have some helpful tips for anyone looking to decorate on a budget.  Depending on your size of a decoration, you may want to take advantage of a few different stores:

Dollar Tree: I love the DT for mirrors, rafia bundles, small wreath forms (sometimes), rocks/jewels, and vases- especially larger ones.  You probably aren't going to find a decent vase for a buck at Hobby Lobby anytime soon.  Even with your coupon.

Hobby Lobby: HL is so nice to put in season stuff on 40% off to make way for next season stuff (Christmas ornaments in July, anyone?).  I actually got everything but the rafia above from HL.  The decorative fall stems were under $1 a piece because they were 40% off.  The small glass bottle was just what I wanted and ran about $1.50 since it was on discount as well.

I really cannot wait for this grant to be over.  Even though there is another right after it. And one after that...and so on. 

Someday, my dear awesome crafts, I will return.  But until then...five second decorations it is.

And gumpaste.

And bread that raises over night...

And maybe more ice cream....


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