Monday, October 22, 2012

Creative Gift Wrap

 I like to find creative things to put gifts in at Christmas time.  It isn't that I don't like to wrap stuff, but if you get a gift in a bag or bowl or something like that it is like two gifts in one!

And I like two for one deals.

So I got this fleur de lis bucket to put things in for my sister.  I know she has passed it up before...BUT I contend that is due to it being a boring color. As for me and my house, we like to overuse spray paint.

And it was under $5 at a flea market.  Which could also be why she passed it up, because it had not been marked down before that.

If you only buy one type of spray paint, make it the hammered metallics paints.  They are so freaking cool. I have used them on lights, more lights, some other lights, that picture frame of yesterday, and this bucket.  I am thinking about lining around the fleurs in black, but I might just leave it.

I may also need a second coat on it tomorrow.  I used the hammered silver, in case you could not guess.

Hammered bronze is my usual weapon of choice.

My plans are to essentially make a gift basket using this substantially cuter than it was before bucket.

There are all kinds of interesting baskets and knick knacks at flea markets that can be interesting vessels for gifts.  They always have tins, crates, funky bowls, and all kinds of other shenanigans.

So get crafting with your gifting!

I really need to start thinking about Christmas shopping.  I have no ideas on what I may even get people.

You will have to excuse me, the grant emails have started pouring in again.  On to the next one!

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