Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cinnamon Craisin No Knead

A few days ago I did a recipe of no knead bread, and mentioned that I wanted to try other flavors.  This time, I made more of the dough and added extra yumminess to get cinnamon craisin bread.  I wish there were pictures...

But I updated my phone without backing them up.  Yes, I am one of those.  Luckily my mom saved the day, as usual, and is emailing me one as I speak.  Thank God I send her pictures every five seconds.

-3 C all purpose flour
-1 1/4 tsp salt
-1/4 tsp yeast (yea I know, you have to eyeball it from 1/4)
-1.5 c lukewarm water (you may need a tad more depending on how you measure your flour)

-Cinnamon and a cinnamon/sugar mix
-brown sugar
-handful of craisins

Mix the first sections of ingredients together in a bowl and cover overnight to rise.  I let mine rise about 18 hours sitting in my gas oven, and it seems to rise best in these circumstances.  When I was ready to put the yummies in it, I floured my counter and turned the bread out on it.  Once it was out, I put more flour on the top, turned it in on itself a few times, and smooshed it out (in lieu of rolling it).  I mooshed it out as thin as I could, and then covered the top with craisins.  I poked them into the dough and then covered the top with a layer of cinnamon sugar mix, a thin layer of cinnamon, and a nice coating of brown sugar.

After this I rolled it into a log and tucked the ends under.  I plopped it in to a lightly greased Oven Lovin' pan and put it back in the oven to sit a bit (about 2 hours) and rise again. 

Bake it at 450 for about 30 minutes or so.  Depending on what you use it may need to go about 5 minutes longer.  My pan sides usually come up much higher than my dough, and I feel like this cooks it faster.  It will get a nice golden brown and you know it is ready.


And my mom approves.

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