Monday, September 3, 2012

The Sort of Steampunk Ornament

So since this craft challenged kicked off I have had two blog posts that were very well received, the steampunk pendant and the Christmas ornament with the puffy paint.  So, when debating on how to make up for yesterday's complete lack of awesomeness, I decided to do a little math and put two and two together. 

This little guy did not turn out perfect, probably could be done better with a little foresight, but all in all is actually kind of cute.  He is, the Sort of Steampunk Ornament:

Materials: Plastic or glass ornament, paint, metal flake, gears and stuff, puffy paint or glass leading

To start with, I applied some mod podge on a section of the ornament and covered it in the metal flake.  I like to apply MP with a cosmetic sponge, mostly because I hate to wash out paint brushes.  And I have a lot of make up sponges...and no brushes.  MP over the metal flake does not work out all that well, and I am not really sure how to put a coat over it.  I am thinking your best bets after you get it all done are going to be resin, spray polyurethane, or clear nail polish.  But that is something you can save until later.

So I metal flaked a section, and then used my leading to create this gear. 

I am not going to lie, I kind of wish I had just stopped there.  It was actually really interesting even though unfinished, and I think with some red ink to stain the inner part of the ornament it would have been a knockout.  But that is ok because I like how it ended up for the most part.

I really don't know a lot about steampunk.  I really don't know if this guy will even qualify.  But I do know I love to mix what I am working with and I really like the look of bringing in things from a machining perspective.

Regardless, I painted the rest of the bauble with a metallic brownish red paint and a grey color.  Also using a makeup sponge.  I also almost ruined my carpet.  Hence all projects will now be done on the coffee table when pain is involved.
From there I added the string of jewels around the top, some bolts, and used the leading to make my own pseudo clock face. On a different side I made a sort of deconstructed angel, and then drew some more gears with the one pictured above.  I really cannot tell if I like this thing or hate it...

This I think will certainly end up being the front of my ornament.  I like it the best out of all of the things I did. 

I would highly suggest using something that comes out a little thinner than this leading does if at all possible, I just did not since I already had the leading handy (I got it on sale).

I think with a little tweaking this could be a fantastic ornament idea, so hopefully it has spawned a little creativity of your own.

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