Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 9: Dried Flower Ornament

SO there have been a lot of DIY's on Pinterest about dried flower ornaments, mostly for weddings and what not.  I have had some dried flowers for a few years that were from the first time I had gotten flowers from someone.  When I saw the how-to's, I knew it was the perfect way to use them!

-An ornament that comes in two pieces that you can put things inside (if that makes sense) (Hobby Lobby, glass jar/wood section, about $1.60ish)
-Dried Flowers (duh)
-Ribbon, ornament hanger, and any other glitter or similar you may want to use

Here you can see my ornament in 2 pieces, which hopefully describes it better than I tried to. 

A note on drying flowers.  I have dried flowers in 4 different ways:
            -I have microwaved them (the petals) and it worked
            -I have dried them between printer paper smashed in a book, that worked really well also (takes way longer)
            -I have hung them upside down, duct taped to a wall in my closet, this also worked...and took a long long time
            -And I have used the silica sand stuff, which took a few days, worked pretty well, and is great for things like calla lilies that you want them to hold their shape a little better.

So pretty much any of those are suitable.  I would suggest the book method for flat flowers, the hanging for roses, the microwave for petals, and the silica for lilies and similar.

I put a healthy dose of E6000 glue in the back hemisphere at the bottom. I made a base of the dried baby's breath and put the roses in on top, adding more glue as needed. 

I put a few petals in the back, mostly just because I had them, they really didn't make any life altering changes in the overall appearance.

Once I had the flowers arranged as I liked, I put a very small amount of glue around the ridge and snapped the front hemisphere in place.

This might not have been necessary, but I was thinking about storage and wanted to be safe that it would not come apart and crush the flowers.

I added the little brown ribbon in on top, but think it could have used a better ribbon, this one is somewhat understated.

There are all sorts of things you could add in like glitter or Flower Soft.  FS looks like snow really (not flowers) and adds really interesting texture to projects.

Remember the fuzzy teddy bear stickers? It is sorta like that.  But not.  Go get some, like I said it makes great snow!

This is my first ornament for my tree that I don't own yet but will have in my room at Christmas time.  I plan on making many more personalized ornaments, so be prepared for random bursts of Holiday CHEER!

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