Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 18: Beads Beads Beads

On Pinterest I keep seeing this thing for making these cute vintage looking necklaces using beads and wire, and it frustrates me because the how-to isn't in English and I really want to know how to do it! So like usual, I took matters into my own hands.

-A big bead, I like the crystal looking ones over pearls as they are less frustrating
-26 gauge or so wire (color of your choice)
-Smaller beads
-Wire cutters or scissors

To start off, I cut a very long piece of wire and wrapped it around and through the bead so that it went around it twice. Two works better than one, but one is possible as well.

Next, I wrapped the short end of the wire around the wire looped over the bead so that my end would stay in place.  The long leftover end is the one you will want to string beads on, one at a time.  I strung the bead on and looped the end of the wire under the 2 that circumvent the bead, and followed suit with more beads after.

Do this one bead at a time, for a very long time. 

The only reason I prefer crystal beads to pearls is the offsets in them make it MUCH easier to get under the wire.  If you use a pearl bead or smooth round bead of any sort, you might consider not wrapping your wire quite as tight, but still tight enough that the wires won't flop around.

You could always put a dab of E6000 on at the end, which is what I pretty much suggest for everything.

After I got all the way around this bead, I decided to try something a little different.  I moved the two strands closer together and added a third in the back.  I really think I would like it with 4, but my bead supply for those small brown beads is a little low until I go home again.  When you have it as you like it, simply twist the remaining wire either back into the bead, or make a loop and twist it around itself multiple times to form a good connector that you can put jump rings through.

As you can see, I also did this with beads that were closer in size.  I really like the little yellow guys and how they turned out, even though the pearls gave me trouble.

There is no reason to think that you could not add another layer of beads in, the problem is just finding some that work really well with the aesthetic you are going for.  I am not good yet with doing the second layer, so I opted to not.

I think these beaded beads (if you will) are rather interesting mixed in with other strands, chains, and similar.  It adds an interesting texture in, and I also think they would make really cute earrings.

If you do a lot of stuff with beads you probably have a ton left over from random projects that aren't quite enough to use for a big necklace, but might be just enough for something such as this.

It is also a good use of seed beads, which are quickly becoming the bane of my existence.

I also moved in to my apartment today for grad school.  It is pretty cute, and I am glad to be able to hang up pictures.  My last school apartment was a super old cinderblock type setup with glossy white paint on the walls, and that combination is impossible to hang stuff.

Tomorrow I have to go tackle grocery if I never post again, it got the better of me...

Just kidding! Until tomorrow!

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