Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 11:Enve-leftovers

So I really didn't even think about crafting anything until...5 minutes ago.  Which should tell you right now I am providing you a craft that only takes 5 minutes.

Plus a tad of drying time.

-Wall Paper Leftovers (hence the title)
-Glue (normal glue, no E6000 needed here unless you are just an overachiever)

First, you want to cut out a heart.  I really don't find it necessary that it be very precise.  I used really technical methods such as...

Folding the wallpaper rectangle in half...cutting a heart out of it, eyeballing it all the way.

You just dont want it to have been tall curves.  You need it more petite.  Think Mickey Mouse, not Mickey Mule.

Anyway fold the sides in like so. Again, I am not very precise.  I like to not put hard creases in until I make all of my hypothetical folds to make sure it works.  You may have a different method you prefer.

Like precision, for instance.

Glue those sides down, or use the self stickability of the wall paper if you can (mine didn't pan out for such methods).

Next, fold the mouse ears up like so, and glue down appropriately.

Speaking of, would it not be neat to make an envelope that kinda resembled Mickey?

By the way, if this one looks is.  I really like tiny little envelopes and think they would be super cute to put little notes in for people.

However, this is perfectly adaptable to larger envelopes.

If you were to cut a perfect square, you could put it down where it looked diamond shaped and fold in sides, etc.
So then you basically just crease the top down and there you go, five minute envelope (if you use fast drying glue or some mini glue dots).

My vote is ALWAYS for mini glue dots.  I like instant gratification.

Not that a lot of people wallpaper things anymore it seems, but you can find some seriously cheap rolls of it at flea markets.

And this could easily be done with any excess paper, as long as you can get a heart out of it.

Now I just need to find a teeny tiny note to leave someone :).

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